@article{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00085321, author = {Hashmi, Arqum and Yamada , Shunsuke and Yamada, Atsushi and Kazuhiro, Yabana and Tomohito, Otobe and Hashmi, Arqum and Kazuhiro, Yabana and Tomohito, Otobe}, issue = {5}, journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, month = {Feb}, note = {Linear and nonlinear optical response of WSe2 monolayer is investigated by Maxwell plus time-dependent Kohn-Sham (TDKS) equations with spin-orbit interaction. By applying the chiral resonant pulses the electron dynamics show the one-photon absorption process. WSe2 monolayer shows the linear optical response at the intensity I = 10 ^10 W/cm ^2 while a complex nonlinear behavior is observed at I = 10 ^12 W/cm ^2. By changing the chirality of the resonant light, a strong circular dichroic effect is observed in the excited state population. A relatively weak laser field shows effective valley polarization while an intense field induces spin-polarized carrier peak between K(K') and Γ-point via non-linear process. On the other hand, the intense laser show high harmonics up to the 11th order. Our results demonstrate that circularly polarized resonant pulse generate high harmonics in WSe _2 monolayer of order 3n±1.}, title = {Non-linear dynamics of electromagnetic field and valley polarization in WSe$_2$ monolayer}, volume = {120}, year = {2022} }