@inproceedings{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00085168, author = {原, 隆文 and 福田, 光宏 and 神田, 浩樹 and 依田, 哲彦 and 安田, 祐介 and 武田, 佳次朗 and 篠塚 勉 and 伊藤, 正俊 and 倉島, 俊 and 宮脇, 信正 and 涌井, 崇志 and 中尾, 政夫 and 松田, 洋平 and Satoshi, Kurashima and Nobumasa, Miyawaki and Takashi, Wakui}, book = {2021年第18回日本加速器学会年会プロシーディングス}, month = {Oct}, note = {Create an electron test bench for the proton CARA. An accelerating electron test will be conducted on the testbench using a mirror coil and plasma chamber for the RCNP ECR ion source and a 2.45 GHz power supply. Simulating the electron testbench by Opal, it was found that 2 keV electrons could be accelerated to 25 keV.}, pages = {653--655}, title = {自動サイクロトロン共鳴加速法を用いた 陽子加速器実現に向けてのテストベンチ開発}, year = {2021} }