@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00083923, author = {Konishi, Teruaki and Kobayshi, Alisa and Ohsawa, Daisuke and Oikawa, Masakazu and Wang, Jun and Teruaki, Konishi and Alisa, Kobayashi and Daisuke, Ohsawa and Masakazu, Oikawa}, month = {Nov}, note = {Primary target of radiation is the cellular DNA, but consequence of cytoplasmic damage is yet to be understood. Taking advantage of SPICE-QST microbeam, we performed a cytoplasm targeted irradiation (Cyto-IR) of the WI-38  cells to investigate the cytoplasmic damage response. We focused on the activation of nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (NRF2) and its antioxidative signaling pathway. As a result, Cyto-IR induced mitochondria fragmentation, which accelerated the mitochondrial superoxide (MitoSOX) production. MitoSOX triggered the NRF2 nucleus translocation and upregulated the expression of its target genes, such as  heme oxygenase 1. Overall, NRF2 antioxidative response is suggested to play a key role against DNA damage under cytoplasmic irradiation., 第59回日本生物物理学会年会}, title = {Microbeam irradiation and analysis on cytoplasm damage induced defensive cellular response.}, year = {2021} }