@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00083893, author = {Ryosuke, Ikeda and Ken, Kajiwara and Nakai, Taku and Satoru, Yajima and Takayuki, Kobayashi and Koji, Takahashi and Shinichi, Moriyama and Keishi, Sakamoto and Darbos, C. and Henderson, M. and Ryosuke, Ikeda and Ken, Kajiwara and Nakai, Taku and Satoru, Yajima and Takayuki, Kobayashi and Koji, Takahashi and Shinichi, Moriyama and Keishi, Sakamoto}, month = {May}, note = {This paper presents a progress of the achievement of performance tests of ITER-gyrotrons developed in QST and design of dual-frequency (170 GHz and 104 GHz) gyrotron to enhance various operation scenarios in ITER such as characteristics studies of H-mode/ELM at low magnetic field. Major achievements of the ITER gyrotron developments are as follows: (i) Manufacturing of 6 out of 8 sets of ITER gyrotrons was completed. Factory acceptance test (FAT) in QST has been progressed and 2 of 6 gyrotrons achieved required specifications such as 1 MW / 300 s / 50 %, 5 kHz modulation with ≥ 0.8 MW etc. The 50 mm diameter waveguide transmission-line and a matching optics unit (MOU) for ITER were newly introduced to perform the operation test at the same environment as ITER-site and excitation of HE11 mode purity of ≥ 95 % at the waveguide inlet was also successfully demonstrated, satisfying the requirement. (ii) Design of dual-frequency gyrotron, which is able to operate continuous wave of 1 MW power, was successfully completed., 28th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2020)}, title = {Progress on Performance Tests of ITER-Gyrotrons and Design of Dual-Frequency Gyrotron for ITER Staged Operation Plan}, year = {2021} }