@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00083491, author = {柳, 瑶美 and 神長, 輝一 and 鈴木, 芳代 and 阿部, 浩之 and 山本, 啓貴 and 大島, 武 and 桑波田, 晃弘 and 関野, 正樹 and 今岡, 達彦 and 柿沼, 志津子 and 杉, 拓磨 and 加田, 渉 and 花泉, 修 and 五十嵐, 龍治 and Tamami, Yanagi and Kiichi, Kaminaga and Michiyo, Suzuki and Hiroshi, Abe and Hiroki, Yamamoto and Takeshi, Ohshima and Tatsuhiko, Imaoka and Shizuko, Kakinuma and Wataru, Kada and Ryuji, Igarashi}, month = {Sep}, note = {Fluorescence imaging is a critical tool to understand the spatial distribution of biomacromolecules in cells and in vivo, providing information on molecular dynamics and interactions. Numerous valuable insights into biological systems have been provided by the specific detection of various molecular species. However, molecule-selective detection is often hampered by background fluorescence, such as cell autofluorescence and fluorescence leakage from molecules stained by other dyes. Here we describe a method for all-optical selective imaging of fluorescent nanodiamonds containing nitrogen-vacancy centers (NVCs) for wide-field fluorescence bioimaging. The method is based on the fact that the fluorescence intensity of NVCs strictly depends on the configuration of ground-state electron spins, which can be controlled by changing the pulse recurrence intervals of microsecond excitation laser pulses. Therefore, by using regulated laser pulses, we can oscillate the fluorescence from NVCs in a nanodiamond, while oscillating other optical signals in the opposite phase to NVCs. As a result, we can reconstruct a selective image of a nanodiamond by using a series of oscillated fluorescence images. We demonstrate application of the method to the selective imaging of nanodiamonds in live cells, in microanimals, and on a hippocampal slice culture obtained from a rat. Our approach potentially enables us to achieve high-contrast images of nanodiamond-labeled biomolecules with a signal-to-background ratio improved by up to 100-fold over the standard fluorescence image, thereby providing a more powerful tool for the investigation of molecular dynamics in cells and in vivo., 量子生命科学会 第3回大会}, title = {全光学的スピン占有数操作に基づく選択蛍光イメージング}, year = {2021} }