@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00083374, author = {Masatoshi, Yagi and Haruki, Seto and Xueqiao, Xu and Ben, Dudson and Masatoshi, Yagi and Haruki, Seto}, month = {Sep}, note = {The elm-4f simulations on ELM crash triggered by the resistive ballooning mode showed that subsequent turbulence bursts accompanied with periodic oscillations with n=0 flow appear after the pedestal collapse and enhance energy loss. In these works, however, precise analyses on the turbulence burst after the pedestal collapse is not addressed. Ii is shown that the blob like structures appear around the top region on q=2 surface at t=1040tA then propagate radially to last closed flux surface(LCFS) with clock-wise poloidal drift till t =1120tA finally, back to inner region from LCFS, resulting a burst in the neighborhood of q=2 flux surface at t=1240tA., Plasma Edge Theory Workshop / PET 2021}, title = {Turbulence burst in resistive ballooning mode driven ELM crash}, year = {2021} }