@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00083217, author = {Morihisa, Saeki and Daiju , Matsumura and Takumi, Yomogida and Tomitsugu, Taguchi and Takuya, Tsuji and Hiroyuki, Saito and Ryuzo, Nakanishi and Hironori, Oba and Morihisa, Saeki and Tomitsugu, Taguchi and Hiroyuki, Saito and Ryuzo, Nakanishi and Hironori, Oba}, month = {Jun}, note = {Previously, we showed that the irradiation of a nanosecond pulsed UV laser with high pulse energy into the Pd(II) solution forms the Pd particle with submicron size (100–500 nm), which has not been generated in the photo-induced particle formation using a UV lamp. It indicates that the laser irradiation with high pulse energy promotes the Pd particle growth, the mechanism of which is unclear. In this work, we studied the particle formation in the Pd(II) solution in the laser irradiation with high pulse energy using time-resolved X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy., 6th International Conference on Advanced Nanoparticle Generation & Excitation by Lasers in Liquids}, title = {In Situ Time-Resolved XAFS Study on Laser-Induced Particle Formation of Pd(II) Ion in a Solution}, year = {2021} }