@article{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00082827, author = {Kumar, Amarjeet and Soon Chan, Wai and Masahiko, Taguchi and Hidetoshi, Kono and Kumar, Amarjeet and Soon Chan, Wai and Masahiko, Taguchi and Hidetoshi, Kono}, journal = {Current Opinion in Structural Biology}, month = {Jun}, note = {Transcription initiation related events in eukaryotes start around the promoter region. Both the cis and trans chromatin elements play a crucial role in establishing the fate of transcription around this region. Here, we focus these protein-DNA interactions from a structural point of view to discuss the mechanisms to be revealed.}, pages = {7--15}, title = {Interplay among transacting factors around promoter in the initial phases of transcription}, volume = {71}, year = {2021} }