@inproceedings{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00082616, author = {松田, 洋平 and 伊藤, 正俊 and 篠塚, 勉 and 福田, 光宏 and 依田, 哲彦 and 神田, 浩樹 and 中尾, 政夫 and 倉島, 俊 and 宮脇, 信正 and 涌井, 崇志 and Mitsuhiro, Fukuda and Satoshi, Kurashima and Nobumasa, Miyawaki and Takashi, Wakui}, book = {2020年第17回日本加速器学会年会プロシーディング}, month = {Oct}, note = {We have investigated the feasibility of acceleration of a negative deuterium beam with a current of 100 µA to an energy of 25 MeV using the AVF cyclotron in cyclotron and radioisotope center and the extraction with a stripping foil. The simulation was performed with the code OPAL which can track particles with three-dimensional space charge. The isochronous magnetic field was calculated with the field map of the AVF cyclotron in Takasaki advanced radiation research institute. The current in the main coil and the position of the stripping foil was determined by searching a reference trajectory. The transmission from the central region to the exit of the cyclotron was surveyed, changing the initial distribution and the current.}, pages = {38--42}, title = {大強度負重水素イオン加速に向けたCYRIC930型AVFサイクロトロン加速器の軌道計算}, year = {2020} }