@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00081710, author = {Xu, Lu and Ishii, Nobuhisa and Midorikawa, Katsumi and J. Takahashi, Eiji and Nobuhisa, Ishii}, month = {Jan}, note = {We aim to shorten the pulse duration to below two-cycle for generating intense soft x-ray isolated attosecond pulses. Employing a BiBO crystal-based DC-OPA system, we obtained 40 mJ pulse energy with spectrum (1.2-2.1 μm) supporting the sub-2-cycle pulse duration., レーザー学会 学術講演会 第41回年次大会}, title = {Multi-TW, CEP-stable, a few-cycle 1.6 um pulse from BiBO dual-chirped optical parametric amplification}, year = {2021} }