@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00081434, author = {FUKUDA, MIHO and Zheng, Jian and Yamazaki, Shinnosuke and Aono, Tatsuo and Fukuda, Miho and Zheng, Jian and Yamazaki, Shinnosuke and Aono, Tatsuo}, month = {Jul}, note = {In this study, we report 237Np and Pu isotopes in soil, riverbed and reservoir sediments after the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS) accident. 237Np activities in these samles were (0.013±0.02)~(5.7±1) mBq/kg-dry and were one to three orders of magnitudes low compared to these previous reports before the FDNPS accident even considering radiation decay. 237Np activities were generally three orders of magnitude lower than those of 239+240Pu activities. We will also report 237Np and Pu isotopes activity and atomic ratio and what we learn from them and relationship between these transuranic elements and Cs isotopes. This work was partially supported by Research and Development to Radiological Sciences in Fukushima Prefecture., JpGU Joint Meeting 2020 (日本地球惑星科学連合2020年大会) Virtual}, title = {福島第一原発事故後の土壌, 河床, ため池堆積物中の237NpとPu同位体比}, year = {2020} }