@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00080705, author = {Ebner, Daniel and Koto, Masashi and Furuichi, Wataru and Mori, Shinichiro and Ebner, Daniel and Koto, Masashi and Furuichi, Wataru and Mori, Shinichiro}, month = {Sep}, note = {- Adequate CIRT dose delivery with protection of key OARs in complex H&N cancer appears feasible with the horizontal + coplanar approach. - Dose increase in optic nerves and eyes when near or obstructing tumor from the port were noted. - Increased brain dosage was noted in all cases. The impact of low-dose high-LET CIRT on neural tissue requires further exploration. - Potentials such as sitting-up immobilization for anteroposterior delivery may mitigate the limitations seen here. A larger cohort analysis is in progress., American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) Annual meeting 2020}, title = {Proof-of-Concept Comparative Dosimetric Analysis of Coplanar Horizontal-Port Carbon-Ion Radiotherapy in the Head and Neck}, year = {2020} }