@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00080413, author = {坂本慶司 and 赤木智哉 and 蛯沢貴 and 長谷川和男 and 廣澤航輝 and 春日井敦 and Kondo, Keitaro and Masuda, Kai and Ota, Masayuki and Shimosaki, Yoshito and Kwon, Saerom and Keishi, Sakamoto and Tomoya, Akagi and Takashi, Ebisawa and Kazuo, Hasegawa and Koki, Hirosawa and Atsushi, Kasugai and Keitaro, Kondo and Kai, Masuda and Masayuki, Ota and Yoshito, Shimosaki and Kwon, Saerom}, month = {Sep}, note = {The Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc) is under construction as a collaboration between Europe and Japan for challenging the technical validation of the low energy part up to 9MeV of IFMIF deuteron accelerator unit with 40MeV-125mA CW. The staged installation and commissioning activities are ongoing at the BA site in Rokkasho Fusion Institute of QST, and the commissioning of RFQ is underway. A deuteron beam acceleration at 5 MeV, 125mA was achieved at short pulse (~1 ms pulse duration) at ~1 Hz repetition. Here, ~90 % beam transport was obtained. Here, 8-chains of 175 MHz CW RF sources are connected to the RFQ in parallel. After that, MEBT, D-plate, HEBT and high power beam dump were connected to the RFQ in series, and high duty cycle beam commissioning will be implemented., 30th International Linear Accelerator Conference 2020}, title = {Demonstration of High Current Deuteron Acceleration for the LIPAc 5MeV RFQ}, year = {2020} }