@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00080349, author = {M.Rajamanickam and N.Kavasi and Y.Omori and A.Sorimachi and T.Aono and S.K.Sahoo and Murugan, Rajamanickam and Kavasi, Norbert and Aono, Tatsuo and Sahoo, Sarata}, month = {Aug}, note = {On 11th March 2011, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS) accident released a massive amount of highly volatile fission products such as 127mTe, 132Te, 131I, 133Xe, 134Cs, 136Cs, and 137Cs caused serious contamination in the atmosphere (aerosol), water, and soils. However, radionuclides such as 90Sr, U and Pu also have a serious concern, because they spread as a result of partial melt-down of the nuclear fuel core including the MOX fuel (mixed U and Pu oxide fuel) in the FDNPS. The chemical toxicity of U is likely to be much more important for human health compared to the risk of cancer from ionizing radiation. The Sr element has the potential to incorporate into the bone structure because its bio-chemically similarity to calcium, thus the 90Sr isotope can cause long-term radiation dose. The principal modes of U and 90Sr intake are from food and water for occupationally unexposed persons. The retention or mobility of U and Sr in soil is highly dependent on soil characteristics in the particular area, due to its large range of distribution coefficient values. The 235U/238U isotope ratio of the soil samples can give fingerprints about the spent fuel used in FDNPS and characterize the fuel melt down. However, due to the relative difficulty of measuring actinide and pure beta particle emitter radionuclides, there is a little data available on U and 90Sr isotopes in and around the Fukushima area. Therefore, studies on U isotope ratio and 90Sr contamination of the contaminated soil samples are important. In the present study, highly radiocaesium contaminated (over 200 Bq g-1) soil samples are used to check the 234U/238U and 235U/238U isotope ratios and 90Sr activity concentration. Further results will be present and discuss in the presentation., VII. Terrestrial Radioisotopes in Environment International Conference on Environmental Protection, 10-13 AUGUST, 2020 (TREICEP 2020)}, title = {Uranium Isotope ratios and Sr-90 in Fukushima radiocaesium contaminated soil samples}, year = {2020} }