@inproceedings{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00079705, author = {Hayakawa, Takehito and Kusakabe, Motohiko and Kajino, Toshitaka and Myung-Ki, Cheoun and Ko, Heamin and J. Mathews, Grant and Tolstov, Alexey and Ken’ichi, Nomoto and Chiba, Satoshi and Kawano, Toshihiko and Masa-aki, Hashimoto and Ono, Masaomi and Hayakawa, Takehito}, book = {JPS Conference Proceedings}, month = {Mar}, note = {We have proposed a short-lived radioisotope 98Tc as the nuclear cosmochronometer to evaluate the time from the last supernova neutirno-process to the solar system formation (SSF). We have calculated the supernova neutirno-process using a SN 1987A model with neutrino-induced reaction cross sections. The calculated result is consistent with the observed upper limit of 98Tc/98Ru at the SSF.}, publisher = {JPS}, title = {Nuclear Cosmochronometer for Supernova Neutrino process}, volume = {31}, year = {2020} }