@article{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00079307, author = {Sanzen, Toshihiko and Sato, Katsuya and Ono, Yutaka and Narumi, Issay and Sato, Katsuya and Ono, Yutaka}, journal = {QST Takasaki Annual Report 2018}, month = {Mar}, note = {The genome analysis revealed that D. grandis possesses two lexA-imuB-dnaE2 cassettes which are gene clusters related to error-prone DNA repair. LexA, the gene product of lexA, binds to palindromic operator sites of regulated genes and represses their expression. ImuB, the gene product of imuB, is an apparently inactive paralog of the DNA polymerase V catalytic subunit UmuC. DnaE2, the gene product of dnaE2, is an alternative and catalytically active paralog of DNA polymerase III alpha-subunit. In the D. grandis genome, one lexA-imuB-dnaE2 cassette was located in chromosome II, and another lexA-imuB-dnaE2 cassette was located in chromosome III. In previous study, we showed that a dnaE2-overexpressed D. grandis strain exhibited increased resistance to ultraviolet-C rays, and that the mutation rate of the dnaE2-overexpressed D. grandis strain was increased compared to wild type irrespective of ultraviolet-C irradiation. In this study, we examined the effect of expression of the D. grandis imuB and dnaE2 genes in Escherichia coli.}, title = {Expression of the Deinococcus grandis imuB and dnaE2 Genes in Escherichia coli}, volume = {QST-M-23}, year = {2020} }