@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00077260, author = {本田, 洋介 and 加藤, 龍好 and 島田, 美帆 and Kawase, Keigo and 坂本, 文人 and Kawase, Keigo}, month = {Aug}, note = {We have started construction of an infrared SASE FEL system at the return loop of cERL, an energy-recoverylinactestfacilityatKEK.ThemainpurposeofthisprojectisademonstrationofindustrialuseofFEL,forexample non-thermalprocessingofmaterials. ItalsohasapurposeofdevelopingnecessarytechniquesforafutureERLbased FEL. The present design consists of two 3 m undulators and a matching space between the undulators. As future upgrade options, we have considered possibilities of various schemes, such as regenerative amplifier, quasiself-seeding,undulatortapering,etc. Wewillpresentsimulationresults., 39th International Free-Electron Laser Conference}, title = {Upgrade Options for Infrared FEL to be Constructed at cERL}, year = {2019} }