@inproceedings{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00077216, author = {Shimosaki, Yoshito and Kasugai, Atsushi and Kondo, Keitaro and Sakamoto, Keishi and Sugimoto, Masayoshi and Cara, Philippe and Duglue, Daniel and Dzitko, Herve and Heidinger, Roland and Chauvin, Nicolas and Bellan, Luca and Comunian, Michele and Fagotti, Enrico and Pisent, Andrea and Branas, Beatriz and Oliver, Concepcion and Podadera, Ivan and Kobayashi, Hitoshi and Shimosaki, Yoshito and Kasugai, Atsushi and Kondo, Keitaro and Sakamoto, Keishi and Sugimoto, Masayoshi and Cara, Philippe}, book = {Proceedings of 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC2019)}, month = {Oct}, note = {The installation and commissioning of the LIPAc are on- going under the Broader Approach agreement, which is the prototype accelerator of the IFMIF for proof of principle and design. The deuteron beam will be accelerated by the RFQ linac from 100 keV to 5 MeV during the commission- ing phase-B and by the SRF linac up to 9 MeV during the phase-C. The commissioning phase-B+ will be imple- mented between phase-B and C to complete the engineer- ing validation of the RFQ linac before installing the SRF linac. The lattice for the deuteron beam of 5 MeV and 125 mA at the commissioning phase-B+ was designed.}, pages = {977--979}, title = {Lattice design for 5MeV-125mA CW RFQ operation in the LIPAc}, year = {2019} }