@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00074815, author = {若森, 彩月 and 水野, 秀之 and 齋藤, 秀敏 and 張, 維珊 and Wakamori, Satsuki and Mizuno, Hideyuki and Saito, Hidetoshi and Chang, Weishan}, month = {Apr}, note = {Purpose External dose audit in radiation therapy has been performed on photon beam using radiophotoluminescent glass dosimeter (RGD), but the audit on electron beam has not been implemented in Japan yet. The dose audit for the electron beam should be performed under the reference conditions defined by the standard dosimetry protocol. But for good setup repeatability, measurement in a solid phantom might be an option. In this work, as a preliminary work for development of the postal dose audit system, phantom correction factor and dose conversion factor of a RGD in therapeutic electron beam were investigated. Methods RGD system (GD302M and DOSE ACE, Asahi Glass) and solid phantom (WE211, Kyoto Kagaku) were used as an audit tool. To derive phantom correction factor, absorbed doses to water (Dw) were measured by an ionization chamber under the same irradiation condition for both in water and the solid phantom. The water equivalent depth for the solid phantom was determined using depth scaling factor. The dose conversion factor of the RGD was determined by the RGD reading and Dw estimated by the ionization chamber. For all measurements, 3 RGDs at 1 cm interval at the same depth were irradiated in a condition. Results The phantom correction factor was range from 1.01 to 1.02 for beam energy of 4, 6, 9, 12 and 15 MeV. And the dose conversion factor was from 1.06 to1.08 Gy rdg-1. Discussion The phantom correction factor was consistent with the fluence scaling factor of the standard dosimetry 12. The dose conversion factor of the RGD was consistent with other studies by Monte Carlo simulation. Conclusion Two key parameters for the dose audit of the therapeutic electron beam were obtained by measurement and compared with other reports. For the future work, the validity of the parameters will be examined by using several linear accelerators., 第115回日本医学物理学会学術大会}, title = {郵送調査のためのリニアックの電子線出力における蛍光ガラス線量計の特性評価}, year = {2018} }