@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00073326, author = {神門, 正城 and 神門 正城}, month = {Apr}, note = {In the project of ImPACT program led by Dr. Sano we are developing laser based electron accelerator aiming a future compact X-ray free-electron laser. The integrated platform named “LAPLACIAN” is being constructed at RIKEN Spring-8 center. The QST group is responsible for plasma and electron beam diagnostics for improvement of electron beam quality in laser wakefield accelerators (LWFA). So far we have developed two wakefield measurement diagnostics, a betatron X-ray alignment monitor, and an electro-optic electron bunch length and timing detector in KPSI-QST. Now we are implementing the diagnostics into the LAPLACIAN platform. In the presentation, the test performance of the diagnostics and the current status will be given., International Conference on High Energy Density Science 2018}, title = {Plasma and Beam Diagnostics for LAPLACIAN Project}, year = {2018} }