@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00072918, author = {石野, 雅彦 and タンフン, ヂン and 北村, 俊幸 and 長谷川, 登 and 錦野, 将元 and 坂上, 和之 and 鷲尾, 方一 and 東口, 武史 and 市丸, 智 and 岡本, 一将 and 古澤, 孝弘 and 末元, 徹 and 木下, 博雄 and Pikuz, Tatiana and Faenov, Anatoly and 石野 雅彦 and タンフン ヂン and 北村 俊幸 and 長谷川 登 and 錦野 将元}, month = {Sep}, note = {In this paper we report on results of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) free-electron laser ablation experiments. In the ablation experiments, we had evaluated the throughput energy of SACLA BL1, and confirmed the dependence on damage thresholds of pulse duration. In addition, the damage examinations of resists and multilayer mirrors had been evaluated and material dependent of threshold was confirmed., SACLA Users' Meeting 2018}, title = {EUV Laser Ablation and Damage Examination}, year = {2018} }