@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00072667, author = {神門, 正城 and 神門 正城}, month = {Jan}, note = {We report our achievement on relativistic flying mirrors done at Kansai Photon Science Institute, QST. We show three experimental campaigns. The first run successfully demonstrated the proof-of-principle of relativistic mirrors using plasma wake driven by an intense short laser pulse. The second run exhibited that the reflectivity of the mirror is nearly the theoretical expectation. The 3rd run showed distinct signals showing quasi-monoenergetic features. These results encourage to develop future bright attosecond X-ray pulses., A Scientific Journey from Wakefields to Astrophysics: A symposium in Honor of Toshiba Tajima}, title = {Relativistic Flying Mirrors for Extreme Light Sciences}, year = {2018} }