@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00072475, author = {福山, 淳 and 本多, 充 and 福山 淳 and 本多 充}, month = {Sep}, note = {One of the long-standing issues in improved confinement in tokamak plasmas is to understand the mechanism of LH transition, onset of the edge transport barrier formation. The one-dimensional fluid-type transport code TASK/TX has been developed to solve the flux-surface-averaged multi-fluid equation and Maxwell’s equation on the axisymmetric flux coordinates. The sensitivity of LH transition on the modeling parameters of the reduction factor in the CDBM model is examined. Finally, comparison with experimental observations is discussed., pet16 : 16th International Workshop on Plasma Edge Theory in Fusion Devices}, title = {Modelling of LH transition using the fluid-type transport code TASK/TX}, year = {2017} }