@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00072456, author = {本多, 充 and 本多 充}, month = {Sep}, note = {Genetic algorithms (GAs) become powerful tools to solve global optimization problems, such as finding a global maximum, not local maxima, which are typically more than a gradient-based method can manage. Sometimes a GA is advantageous compared to other schemes with respect to the convenience, partly because a merit function is not necessarily differentiable. In this presentation, we show various examples that a genetic algorithm-based optimizer is applicable to problems specific to plasma physics, such as finding out the magnetic axis and the X point., The 25th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Plasmas (ICNSP 2017)}, title = {APPLICATION OF GENETIC ALGORITHMS TO MODELINGS OF PLASMA PHYSICS}, year = {2017} }