@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00072332, author = {Noda, Akira and Katagiri, Ken and Hojo, Satoru and Sugiura, Akinori and Suzuki, Kazutoshi and Wakui, Takashi and Shirai, Toshiyuki and Noda, Koji and Grieser, Manfred and Nakao, Masao and 野田 章 and 片桐 健 and 北條 悟 and 杉浦 彰則 and 鈴木 和年 and 涌井 崇志 and 白井 敏之 and 野田 耕司 and 中尾 政夫}, month = {May}, note = {In order to im­prove the pre­ci­sion of dose dis­tri­b­u­tion in a pa­tient's body in the case of car­bon ther­apy, re­al­time mea­sure­ment of the dose dis­tri­b­u­tion with the use of the so called OPEN PET is de­sir­able. For re­al­iza­tion of such a treat­ment, usage of iso­tope sep­a­ra­tor on­line scheme based on tar­get frag­ment might be in­evitable to keep the needed S/N ratio. From the above re­quire­ment, we have been de­vel­op­ing 1+ ion source of positron emit­ting 11C+ ions*, which will be charge breeded be­fore in­jec­tion into the in­jec­tor LINAC of the HIMAC. 11C+ ion is to be pro­duced by a high in­ten­sity pro­ton beam from a cy­clotron. In the real process, a small cy­clotron like HM20 might pro­vide the pro­ton beam, but at the de­vel­op­ment stage, we are plan­ning in­ves­ti­ga­tion uti­liz­ing pro­ton beam from the AVF cy­clotron ex­ist­ing at NIRS with K-num­ber of 110. In the pre­sent paper, the total scheme of ra­dioac­tive ion re-ac­cel­er­a­tion will be de­scribed to­gether with the re­cent ion source de­vel­op­ment., 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference, (IPAC’17)}, title = {Development of 11C+ Ion Source for Reacceleration With HIMAC for Real-Time Observation of Dose Distribution}, year = {2017} }