@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00071248, author = {Okada, Maki and Nakao, Ryuji and Momosaki, Soutarou and Yanamoto, Kazuhiko and Zhang, Ming-Rong and Fukumura, Toshimitsu and Inoue, Osamu and 岡田 真希 and 中尾 隆士 and 柳本 和彦 and 張 明栄 and 福村 利光 and 井上 修}, month = {Sep}, note = {the 19th International Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Sciences, the ISRS 2011}, title = {In vivo measurement of glial metabolism in the rat brain with [carbonyl-11C]benzyl acetate by PET and microdialysis}, year = {2011} }