@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00071244, author = {Hara, Yousuke and 原 洋介}, month = {Sep}, note = {For the quality assurance (QA) of therapeutic scanned ion beams, QA tool having high spatial resolution is required. The radiochromic film (such as Gafchromic EBT2 film model) is a very useful tool due to high spatial resolution, self-development, and near tissue equivalence. However, owing to the nonlinear dose response of the radiochromic film dosimetry, one needs to convert the measured absolute doses into relative doses. Thus, at HIMAC, the radiochromic film is used in combination with other detectors. In this paper, without converting relative doses, the utility as a quick QA tool, to check the beam range, position and 2D irradiation, is described., ECAART11(11th European Conference on Accelerator and Applied Research Technology)}, title = {Application of the radiochromic film for quality assurance in heavy-ion beam scanning irradiation system at HIMAC}, year = {2013} }