@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00071183, author = {Kavasi, Norbert and Sarata, Kumar Sahoo and Ishikawa, Tetsuo and Yoshida, Satoshi and Kavasi Norbert and サフー サラタ クマール and 石川 徹夫 and 吉田 聡}, month = {Jun}, note = {Radiostrontium measurement is possible using radiometric or mass spectrometry methods. Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer (TIMS) is a very sensitive device however it was not used to measure radiostrontium. Applying TIMS, three criterions have to be fulfilled: - adequate peak resolution - adequate abundance sensitivity - efficient chemical separation with high recovery. In our work the fulfillment of these criterions were tested and confirmed. The peak of the Sr-90 was distinguishable from the other Sr isotopes. The ion beam was stable resulting good quality plateau peak for Sr-90. The result of abundance test also was acceptable, m/z 90 relative to m/z 88 was <4e-8 that means about 100 fg or 5 mBq detection limit for Sr-90 pro sample. Applying our chemical separation methods, efficient elimination of the disturbing elements was accomplished with around 80% Sr recovery., 19th International Conference on Radionuclide Metrology and its Applications, ICRM 2013}, title = {Sr-90 analysis using TIMS at NIRS, Japan}, year = {2013} }