@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00070679, author = {矢島, 浩彦 and 中島, 菜花子 and 平川, 博一 and 岡安, 隆一 and 藤森, 亮 and 矢島 浩彦 and 中島 菜花子 and 平川 博一 and 岡安 隆一 and 藤森 亮}, month = {Dec}, note = {DNA double strand break (DSB) induced by ionizing radiation (IR) is a deleterious damage for cell survival and genome integrity. It is repaired by two major pathways, non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) and homologous recombination (HR). It has been shown that NHEJ is dominant throughout the cell cycle after X- or gamma-ray exposure to human cells. Meanwhile, it is thought that heavy-ion radiation (e.g., carbon-ion, iron-ion) gives rise to clustered DNA damages consisting of not only strand breaks but also aberrant bases in the vicinity of DSB (called “complex DSB”), and our previous work suggested that the efficiency of NHEJ is diminished for repair of “complex DSB” induced by heavy-ion radiation. There seems difficulty in the process of NHEJ to repair “complex DSB” and consequently the role of HR may be expanded in the response to heavy-ion radiation. To elucidate heavy ion-induced DNA damage response, we analyzed U2OS cells irradiated with X-ray and heavy-ion radiation, and found that CtIP was intensely phosphorylated after heavy-ion irradiation especially at early time point. This suggests that the “complex DSB” effectively evokes DNA end resection activity for the HR, in which CtIP has a critical role. This notion was supported by an observation that RPA2 phosphorylation level, a good indicator of end resection, was also much elevated following the CtIP phosphorylation. In addition, results of our preliminary experiments suggested that HR deficient cells are hypersensitive to heavy-ion radiation. Taken together, the homologous recombination pathway would be a good target for radio-sensitization particularly in heavy-ion therapy., 第34回日本分子生物学会年会}, title = {“Complex DNA double strand break” preferably activates DNA end resection for homologous recombination repair.}, year = {2011} }