@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00070050, author = {Ishikawa, Kenichi and Matsumoto, Izumi and Ishikawa, Atsuko and Shoji, Yoshimi and Imai, Takashi and 石川 顕一 and 松本 いづみ and 石川 敦子 and 荘司 好美 and 今井 高志}, month = {Dec}, note = {MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a family of non-coding RNAs of 17-24 nucleotides that regulate gene expression in a sequence-specific manner. The changes in expression of miRNAs in response to irradiation have been analyzed in fibroblasts, T- and B-lymphoblast cell lines, and a wide range of cancer cell lines including breast, lung, prostate and oral cancers. These reports show that the expression of several different miRNAs is responsive to irradiation. Interestingly, individual miRNA species characterized in specific cell-types in those studies were not identified in other cell-types. These data suggest that these miRNAs are regulated in a cell- or tumor-specific manner. We examined radiation-induced expression of miRNAs in the A549 cell line that is derived from human non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). A549 cells are poorly responsive to radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Expression of the miRNA, miR-574-3p, was induced by X-ray irradiation as determined by both miRNA microarray and quantitative real time PCR analyses. A predicted target site in the 3'-untranslated region of the enhancer of rudimentary homolog (ERH) gene was shown to bind miR-574-3p. ERH may have a role in cell cycle, and production of ERH protein was repressed when miR-574-3p was overexpressed in A549 cells. Our results indicate that miR-574-3p contributes to the regulation of the cell cycle through control of ERH protein production in response to X-ray irradiation., The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan}, title = {Analysis of microRNA expression in the A549 human lung cell line treated with ionizing radiation}, year = {2009} }