@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00069932, author = {Shirakawa, Yoshiyuki and et.al and 白川 芳幸}, month = {Nov}, note = {There is a great interest to find nuclear accidents as soon as possible and/or to carry out daily monitoring and control for nuclear facilities from a distance. In order to satisfy these requirements, a direction finding gamma-ray detector has been developed as a monitor of gamma-ray leakage from such facilities. The detector comprises three scintillators made of the same material of sodium iodine with thallium NaI(Tl) . Computer simulations and laboratory experiments show the possibility of direction finding of gamma rays with reasonable accuracy., 第35回IEEE主催産業エレクトロニクスに関する国際会議}, title = {Remote Sensing of Nuclear Accidents Using a Direction Finding Detector}, year = {2009} }