@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00069628, author = {Ando, Yutaka and Tanaka, Masato and Seki, Masayoshi and Emoto, Yutaka and Tsukamoto, Nobuhiro and Kawaguchi, Osamu and Mukai, Masami and Tanikawa, Takumi and 安藤 裕 and 塚本 信宏 and 川口 修 and 向井 まさみ and 谷川 琢海}, month = {Dec}, note = {-Background- In Japan, EMR systems become popular in the large- and middle-scaled hospitals. The workflow in the Radiation Oncology section was not studied sufficiently. This is a barrier when we implement an EMR. Same situation was pointed out in the other department for example ophthalmology and dentistry departments. It is hard to customize an EMR/CPOE according to each workflow because of a huge resource and cost. The aim of this paper is to define the INC function that leads us to easy customization and suitable display/ordering of examinations. -Evaluation- As we presented the INC at the RSNA 2007, we defined actors to generate a user interface that enables to place orders. These actors gather necessary information from multiple systems (EMR, CPOE, PACS and RIS) and display to a physician. Next, an oncologist issues orders (laboratory, radiology examination and radiation therapy prescription). In ordinary EMR/CPOEs, this process needs several cascaded screen changes. But the prototype provides the integrated console that enable to refer results and issue orders simultaneously. We defined (1) INC-Manager, (2) User Interface, (3) Result Tracker, (4) Database Updater, and (5) Enterprise Database actors and evaluated whether the definition size of information would be suitable in the built prototype system. -Discussion- We classify functional units into not defined actors by the IHE integration profiles and actors already defined. The existing IHE profile is used for the defined actors. On the other hand, we defined the generic database system for non-existing profile. We studied three kinds procedure for communicating among actors. They are (1) the method following the transaction of IHE, (2) the method of calling a program directly, and (3) the method of communicating directly with other database by a characteristic method. -CONCLUSION- We developed prototype of INC and evaluated the functions. The INC function is a powerful tool that realizes patient oriented EMR/CPOSs. By using INC, physicians can organize own information systems according to own clinical workflows. Our framework is generic method and applicable to other departmental information systems such as ophthalmology and dental department., RSNA'08 94th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting}, title = {Prototype of Workflow Oriented Hospital Information System Using Integrated Navigation Console (INC) Function Designed for Radiation Oncology CPOE/EMR and PACS Environment}, year = {2008} }