@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00067097, author = {Fagotti, Enrico and Antoniazzi, Loris and Bellan, Luca and Bortolato, Damiano and Comunian, Michele and Facco, Alberto and Giacchini, Mauro and Grespan, Francesco and Montis, Maurizio and Palmieri, Antonio and Pisent, Andrea and Scantamburlo, Francesco and Bolzon, Benoit and Chauvin, Nicolas and Gobin, Raphael and Cara, Philippe and Dzitko, Herve and Gex, Dominique and Jokinen Antti and Phillips, Guy and Ebisawa, Takashi and Kasugai, Atsushi and Kondo, Keitaro and Sakamoto, Keishi and Shinya, Takahiro and Sugimoto, Masayoshi and Heidinger, Roland and Marqueta, Alvaro and Moya martinez Ivan and Mereu, Paolo and Pruneri, Giuseppe and Weber, Moises and Francesco Scantamburlo and Benoit Bolzon and カラ フィリップ and ヨキネン アンティ and 蛯沢 貴 and 春日井 敦 and 近藤 恵太郎 and 坂本 慶司 and 新屋 貴浩 and 杉本 昌義 and Alvaro Marqueta and イヴァン モヤ マルチネス and Giuseppe Pruneri}, month = {May}, note = {IFMIF, the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility, is an accelerator-based neutron source that will use Li(d, xn) reactions to generate a flux of neutrons with a broad peak at 14 MeV equivalent to the conditions of the Deuterium-Tritium reactions in a fusion power plant. IFMIF is conceived for fusion materials testing. The IFMIF prototype linear accelerator (LIPAc) is jointly developed by Europe and Japan within the IFMIF EVEDA project: it is composed of an ion source, a LEBT, an RFQ, a MEBT and a SC linac, with a final energy of 9 MeV. The 4-vane Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ), developed by INFN in Italy, will accelerate a 130 mA deuteron beam from 0.1 to 5 MeV in continuous wave, for a beam power of 650 kW. The 9.8 m long 175 MHz cavity is composed of 18 x 0.54 m long modules flanged together and aligned within 0.3 mm tolerance. The RFQ was completed, delivered and assembled at the Rokkasho site and is presently under extended RF tests. The second phase of beam commissioning (up to 2.5 MeV/u) was scheduled to start at the end of 2017. Several unexpected issues and incidents significantly delayed the original program, which is however proceeding step by step toward the full achievement of its goals., 9th International Particle Accelerator COnference - IPAC2018}, title = {Beam Commissioning of the IFMIF EVEDA Very High Power RFQ}, year = {2018} }