@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00066761, author = {小田, 靖久 and 今井, 剛 and 嶋村, 耕平 and 福成, 雅史 and 葛山, 浩 and 大西, 直史 and 小紫, 公也 and 小田 靖久}, month = {Jul}, note = {Microwave Rocket is a space launch system which acquires propulsion energy by a high power microwave beam. Since the microwave power station for the launch system, which is the cost driver of the system, will be built on the ground and it will be used for millions of launches, Microwave Rocket is expected to realize a low cost launch system. There are some studies on Microwave Rocket and they presented the possible requirement of the thrust performance, the momentum coupling coefficient from microwave power to thrust should be 100 – 500 N/MW. When the launch of some hundreds kg of the vehicle is planned for instance, 100 MW – 1 GW of microwave power in average is required. In this report, a study of GW-class microwave power source design will be presented. We tried to design such a super-high power source by current existing technologies now utilized for the electron cyclotron heating (ECH) system for fusion devices.With consideration of similar technology, the approach of clustering hundreds of MW-class gyrotrons is evaluated and the necessary technologies for auxiliary system such as microwave transmission and power control are discussed., the 10th International Workshop “Strong Microwaves and Terahertz Waves: Sources and Applications"}, title = {A study of RF power station for Microwave Rocket launch system}, year = {2017} }