@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00066720, author = {細川哲成 and Loarte, A. and Huijsmans, G.T.A. and 滝塚知典 and 林, 伸彦 and Adamek, J. and Seidl, J. and 林 伸彦}, month = {Sep}, note = {Effect of ∇B direction and divertor recycling on steady-state and ELM heat load inner/outer divertor asymmetries has been modelled with 2D PARASOL PIC kinetic code. Ion ∇B direction has a strong effect on steady-state asymmetry and even larger on ELM asymmetry. Changes of steady-state asymmetry with ∇B direction are similar to experiment (inner load becomes comparable to outer one for reversed ∇B direction). ELM heat load to inner divertor is largest for normal ∇B and smallest for reversed ∇B. This finding is robust to modelling assumptions (recycling ratio, ELM duration and plasma collisionality) and in good qualitative agreement with experiment although magnitude of predicted changes is much larger than in typical experimental measurements., 16th International Workshop on Plasma Edge Theory in Fusion Devices}, title = {Kinetic modelling of divertor fluxes between and during ELMs in a COMPASS-like tokamak plasma}, year = {2017} }