@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00065825, author = {Yoshinaga, Keiichiro and 吉永 恵一郎}, month = {Dec}, note = {Targeted radionuclide therapy (TRT) in Japan has been developed mainly using 131NaI in thyroid cancer and hyperthyroidism. However, the TRT in Japan has had significant developments in recent years including the application of somatostatin analogue for health ministry’s approval, preparing the 131I MIBG for advanced clinical trial, and 223Ra clinical trial in patients with prostate cancer. Based on these recent developments, Japanese TRT may be a time for moving next step. National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS) have developed several disease specific radio tracers for the diagnosis of cancers. Based on those previous scientific developments with molecular imaging, NIRS has been recently developing basic research projects in terms of TRT. Our group reported the efficacy of radioimmunotherapy (RIT) with 90Y-TSP-A01 which was an antibody against transferrin receptor, in pancreatic cancer mouse models. Using antibody as career, this approach has significant potentials for the new treatment developments. NIRS has developed 64Cu-diacetyl-bis (N4-methylthiosemicarbazone (ATSM) for increasing the access of therapeutic radiotracers in our country. 64Cu-(ATSM) accumulates hypoxic lesions in the tumors and showed therapeutic effects on the hypoxic tumor cells in vivo studies. As an initial step, NIRS has delivered 62Cu generator system to the 3 institutions. These 3 institutions labeled specific ligand to 62Cu and used for diagnosis of hypoxic tumors as clinical trials. This generator delivery system can be applied to the future TRT using 64Cu ATSM or new therapeutic radiotracers. In addition, NIRS also has developed technological approaches to obtain higher dose of radiotracers requiring for TRT. Our group developed a vertical beam irradiation method for high production of alpha ligand and remote operation system for reducing the radiation exposures to the operators. These technological developments and generator supplying system by NIRS can significantly contribute the developing the Japanese TRT projects. Based on this background, NIRS is aiming to develop basic researches and technological developments for contributing the ALL JAPAN TRT developing projects, 第2回核医学治療国際シンポジウム}, title = {Role and future contribution to All Japan Targeted Radionuclide Therapy}, year = {2015} }