@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00065775, author = {Yoshinaga, Keiichiro and 吉永 恵一郎}, month = {Sep}, note = {Sarcoidosis Immune Granulomas formation in various organ Unknown cause, genetic susceptibility and environmental facors Epidemiology:4.7-64/10 million,Scandinavian 50-60/10 million, Japan 1-2/10 million Peak onset:age 20-39 Outcome:death rate <5%(Pulmonary fibrosis・cardiac・neurologic involvement) Summary Patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis: 9.3% had cardiac involvement, require CS detection in this population RV evaluation: specific for CS FDG PET: Need to establish standard (JSNC guidelines) Useful for evaluate steroid treatment effects Need further prospective studies, the 20th Annual Scientific Session of the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology}, title = {Important Roles of Nuclear Cardiology in Cardiac Sarcoidosis}, year = {2015} }