@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00065687, author = {山田, 裕 and 森岡, 孝満 and 柿沼, 志津子 and Blyth, Benjamin and 今岡, 達彦 and 大竹, 淳 and 下村, 岳夫 and 石田, 敦郎 and 竹下, 洋 and 島田, 義也 and 山田 裕 and 森岡 孝満 and 柿沼 志津子 and Blyth Benjamin and 今岡 達彦 and 大竹 淳 and 下村 岳夫 and 石田 敦郎 and 竹下 洋 and 島田 義也}, month = {May}, note = {A project to evaluate the effects of radiation on children was launched within the National Institute of Radiological Sciences in 2006, which has since focused on risk analyses for life shortening and cancer prevalence using laboratory animals. Genetic and epigenetic alterations in radiation-induced tumors have been also analyzed, with the aim to better understand mechanisms of radiation carcinogenesis, particularly those specific to childhood exposures. As well as the economic and practical limitations to repeating such large-scale experiments, ethical considerations make it vital that we store and share the pathological data and samples of the animal experiments for future use. We are now constructing such an archive called the Japan-Storehouse of Animal Radiobiology Experiments (J-SHARE). The J-SHARE will include data and samples from animal experiments as follows; (i) life span studies of 10,220 B6C3F1 male and female mice irradiated with gamma rays, carbon ions and neutrons at various ages from fetus to mature adult, (ii) studies on mammary gland and lung carcinogenesis with 2,200 Sprague Dawley female rats and 1,429 Wistar female rats, respectively, (iii) studies on brain, digestive tract and renal tumorigenesis utilizing genetically-modified animals, (iv) studies on the combined effect of radiation and chemicals, and (v) studies for anticarcinogenic properties of calorie restriction and specific antioxidant nutrients and phytochemicals. J-SHARE records include information such as detailed experimental protocols, autopsy records and photographs of organs at autopsy. For each animal organs and tumor tissues are dissected, and parts are stored as frozen samples at -80℃. Samples fixed with formalin are also embedded in paraffin blocks for histopathological analyses. Digital copies of stained tissues for histological analysis are being systematically saved using a virtual slide system, NanoZoomer (Hamamatsu Photonics, Japan) linked to original records by barcodes. Embedded and frozen tissues are available for molecular analysis. Similar archive systems for radiation biology have been also under construction in the USA and EU, the Janus Tissue Archive stored in Northwestern University, and STORE in Cambridge University, respectively. The J-SHARE will be linked with the sister-archives and made available for collaborative research to institutions and universities all over the world., The 1st International Workshop on Sample/Tissue Archiving of Radiobiology (STAR 2015)}, title = {RADIOBIOLOGICAL ARCHIVE OF LARGE-SCALE ANIMAL EXPERIMENT IN NIRS: J-SHARE}, year = {2015} }