@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00065428, author = {Karasawa, Kumiko and Tsujii, Hirohiko and 唐澤 久美子 and 辻井 博彦}, month = {Aug}, note = {Introduction FNCA (Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia) is a Japan-led cooperation framework for peaceful use of nuclear technology in Asia. The cooperation consists of FNCA meetings and the project activities with the participation of Australia, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. Radiation oncology project is one of ten projects and National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS) is a secretariat. Protocol studies on radiotherapy for common cancers in Asia has been carried out since 1994. Objective The object of this joint group is to establish safe and effective, technically feasible and economically reasonable treatment in Asian countries. Methodology We have been having annual Workshop on Radiation Oncology in participant countries, discussing about our trial data, result of audits in quality assurance / quality control, and our future plan. Results We had started our standardized radiotherapy protocol for treatment of uterine cervix cancer in 1994, and published Radiation therapy of stage IIIB Cervical cancer in Asians, Report and Guideline from the Cooperative Trials in 2001 and Radiation Therapy Handbook of Brachytherapy Physics in 2008. These have been utilized in training courses of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to increase synergy of activities of FNCA and IAEA. We conducted 4 clinical trials for uterine cervix cancer, 3 protocols for nasopharyngeal cancer and 1 new protocol for breast cancer. Conclusion FNCA activities have had a strong impact on medical care and radiation oncology in Asian countries. We published 20 years Achievement Report this year., 29th International Congress of the Medical Women's International Association}, title = {FNCA Radiation Oncology Project}, year = {2013} }