@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00065383, author = {白井, 敏之 and 白井 敏之}, month = {May}, note = {New Particle Therapy Research Facility is designed to investigate an adaptive charged particle therapy and a compact rotating gantry for carbon beam. Four new treatment systems have been developed for the new facility, a fast 3D scanning irradiation system for moving targets, a treatment planning system for fast scanning, a patient handling system with robotic arms and a treatment management system. The construction of the facility was started in 2009 and completed in March 2010. The treatment room (Room E) was completed in March, 2011 and the clinical trial was carried out for 11 patients from May to November, 2011. The second room (Room F) was completed in August, 2012 and the treatment was restarted from September, 2012. The number of patients is about 120 patients for a half year. The third room (Room G) will have a superconducting rotating gantry for carbon beam. It is funded by the government in 2013 and the construction is started. It will be completed in 2015. I report the outline of the treatment system in the new facility and the operational status from 2011 to 2012., Heavy Ion in Therapy and Space Radiation Symposium 2013(HITSRS2013)}, title = {New Treatment Research Facility at NIRS}, year = {2013} }