@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00065278, author = {Kurihara, Chieko and 栗原 千絵子}, month = {Aug}, note = {Background The System of radiological protection develops gradually integrating advances in knowledge about the effects of radiation, the feedback from its practical implementation in all relevant domains, as well as the evolution of the ethical and social values that shape community life in modern societies. Although there is a long tradition of ICRP to consider such values in the development of its Recommendations, there is a need to make them explicit. This should facilitate the understanding of the system for specialists and non-specialists in radiological protection and allow a renewed dialogue on its foundations, its objectives and rationality. It should also encourage the emergence of informed behaviours in society vis-à-vis radiations. In this perspective, ICRP has initiated a reflection in the recent years on the ethical dimensions of the radiological protection system. This reflection has highlighted the links between the fundamental principles of radiation protection (justification, optimization, limitation) and the theories of normative ethics. The Recommendations of the Commission are designed to respect individual rights (deontological ethics), to promote the collective interest (utilitarian ethics) and favour vigilance and equity (virtue ethics). This reflection also identified the interest for the analysis of the radiological protection system to distinguish the ethical values defining the standards by which action should be taken, the ethical procedures for integrating these values in decision making and in the implementation of the decisions, and the ethical behaviour corresponding to the values that are supposed to guide the conduct of the various actors., Because the radiation protection system is intended to be international, the reflection also emphasized the importance of promoting through the Recommendations, values common to different cultures such as autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence and justice. The objective of the Workshop is to explore further the ethical values underlying the system of radiation protection but also to shed some light on different aspects of the practical implementation of the system that raise ethical questions and value judgments. Topics to be discussed will be for example the consideration of scientific uncertainty, the differences in terms of requirements for the protection of workers and the public, the rationality of dose limits, the exposure of future generations or the place to be given to stakeholders in radiation protection The Workshop will be an opportunity to: - share the current reflections in Asia about the ethical dimension of the radiological protection system, - contribute to the ICRP reflection on the ethical dimensions associated with the management of radiation risk in the different exposure situations. \nObjectives of the workshop The Workshop will last for 2 days, starting on Tuesday 27 August at 08:30 and closing on Wednesday 28 August at 18:30. In order to stimulate reflection the Workshop will be structured around a number of invited plenary presentations addressing selected issues related to the ethical dimensions of the system of radiological protection. These presentations will be followed by facilitated working groups that will examine these issues in greater details, particularly their potential implications for the practical implementation of the system. \nWorkshop format The Workshop will last for 2 days, starting on Tuesday 27 August at 08:30 and closing on Wednesday 28 August at 18:30. In order to stimulate reflection the Workshop will be structured around a number of invited plenary presentations addressing selected issues related to the ethical dimensions of the system of radiological protection. These presentations will be followed by facilitated working groups that will examine these issues in greater details, particularly their potential implications for the practical implementation of the system. \nStructure of the programme Tuesday 27 August 2013 8:30 Registration 9:00 Welcome addresses 9:15 Introductory presentations 10:30 – 13:00 Session 1 (Plenary) Ethical theories and radiation protection principles 14:00 – 17:00 Session 2 (Plenary) Ethical issues in the implementation of the system of radiological protection 17:00 – 18:00 Session 3 (Working groups) Wednesday 28 August 2013 9:00 - 12:00 Session 3 (Cont.) 12:00 – 13:00 Presentations of working group conclusions 14:00 – 15:00 Session 4 (Plenary) Keynote lecture 15:00 - 17:00 General discussion based on the working group conclusions 17:00 – 18:00 Future steps in the process 18:00 – 18:30 Conclusion, 1st Asian Workshop on the Ethical Dimensions of the Radiological Protection System}, title = {Principles of bioethics and radiological protection: What is the common ground?}, year = {2013} }