@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00065151, author = {MISHRA, Suchismita and Sorimachi, Atsuyuki and Hosoda, Masahiro and Tokonami, Shinji and Ishikawa, Tetsuo and Sarata, Kumar Sahoo and MISHRA Suchismita and 反町 篤行 and 石川 徹夫 and サフー サラタ クマール}, month = {Sep}, note = {14th International conference on the chemistry and migration behaviour of actinides and fission products in the geosphere (Migration 2013)}, title = {Effect of soil parameters on sorption properties of actinides and fission products: Depth profile distribution of fall out radionuclides in soil affected by Fukushima nuclear power plant accident}, year = {2013} }