@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00065081, author = {Ishii, Nobuyoshi and Tagami, Keiko and Kawaguchi, Isao and Uchida, Shigeo and 石井 伸昌 and 田上 恵子 and 川口 勇生 and 内田 滋夫}, month = {Jul}, note = {Root uptake of radiocesium (137Cs + 134Cs) from drinking water sludge by leaf vegetables and a soil-to-plant transfer factor (TF: Bq/kg-dry of 137Cs in the vegetable/ Bq/kg-dry of 137Cs in the soil) were studied. The sludge was mixed to a garden soil at various volumes, and Japanese Mustard Spinach (Komatsuna) and mini cabbage were gown on these sludge-amended soils. After the harvest of the aerial part, these vegetables and residual soils were dried at 80˚C in a drying oven. Mini cabbage was divided into edible leaf part and core part before drying. The dried vegetables were powdered with a grinder for the analysis of radiocesium. Activities of radiocesium in samples were analyzed using a germanium detector. Radiocesium was detected in all vegetable parts suggesting the root uptake of radiocesium by these vegetables. The concentrations of radiocesium in these vegetables were below 100 Bq per kg of fresh weight, which is the new standard limit for general foods by Japanese guidelines. The concentrations of 137Cs in Komatsuna were 153 Bq/kg-dry and 400 Bq/kg-dry when they were grown in the soil having 1470 Bq/kg-dry and 4060 Bq/kg-dry, respectively. Mini cabbage, which was planted in the soil with the 137Cs concentration of 2122 Bq/kg-dry, contained 202 Bq/kg-dry in 137Cs for the edible leaf part and 155 Bq/kg-dry for the core part. The TFs were 0.10 for Komatsuna and 0.09 for the edible leaf part of the mini cabbage. Komatsuna was planted in soils with different concentrations of radiocesium, but there were no differences in the soil-to-plant transfer factor. These TFs were within the range of the values, which were investigated before the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power plant accident. This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 24590775., 7th International Symposium on Radiation Safety and Detection Technology}, title = {Transfer factors of radiocesium form drinking water sludge to leaf vegetables}, year = {2013} }