@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00064723, author = {Kitamura, Hisashi and Uchihori, Yukio and Kodaira, Satoshi and Yasuda, Nakahiro and Benton, Eric and Berger, Thomas and Hajek, Michael and Ambrozova, Iva and Ploc, Ondrej and 北村 尚 and 内堀 幸夫 and 小平 聡 and Ploc Ondrej}, month = {Sep}, note = {Since the 1st ICCHIBAN (Inter-Comparison for Cosmic-rays with Heavy Ion Beams At NIRS) experi-ment was kicked off in 2002, the ICCHIBAN Working Group (ICWG) has been promoting ground-based and spaceborne experiments using various accelerators and the International Space Station (ISS), respectively. The purpose of the Proton ICCHIBAN experiment series was to intercompare the responses of space radiation dosimeters for low-LET particles using accelerators. The 2nd and 3rd Proton ICCHIBAN experiments (PI-2 and PI-3) were carried out in Jan. and Feb. 2010 and Feb. 2011, respectively. They were targeted primarily at passive detectors such as TLDs, OSLDs and glass dosimeters, which have capability to measure low-LET particles. Each dosimeter system was investigated regarding linearity of dose response and LET dependence of efficiency. We will present preliminary results of comparisons between dosimeters., 17th WRMISS}, title = {Preliminary results of Proton ICCHIBAN Experiments}, year = {2012} }