@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00063991, author = {Uchihori, Yukio and Yasuda, Nakahiro and Benton, Eric and Kitamura, Hisashi and Kodaira, Satoshi and Ploc, Ondrej and Berger, Thomas and Hajek, Michael and Iva, Jadrnickova and et.al and 内堀 幸夫 and 安田 仲宏 and 北村 尚 and 小平 聡 and Ploc Ondrej and イバ アンブロツォヴァ}, month = {Sep}, note = {For intercomparison of luminescence detectors (TLD, OSL, Luxel, RPL and so on), Proton-ICCHIBAN-2 experiments were performed on Jan. and Feb. in this year using lower LET proton beams. There are participation of 14 institutes and universities from 11 countries. Here, we will present results of characterization of the proton radiation field in NIRS cyclotron facility and pre-liminary results obtained from analysis of luminescence detectors by participants. Then, we would like to discuss comparison results from these data. In addition, coming experiments in the cyclotron facility in NIRS will be informed., 15th WRMISS Workshop}, title = {The preliminary results of the Proton-ICCHIBAN-2 experiments for luminescence detectors}, year = {2010} }