@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00063872, author = {Bing, Wang and Tanaka, Kaoru and Vares, Guillaume and Ninomiya, Yasuharu and Shang, Yi and Fujita, Kazuko and Eguchi-Kasai, Kiyomi and Nenoi, Mitsuru and 王 冰 and 田中 薫 and Guillaume Vares and 二宮 康晴 and 尚 奕 and 藤田 和子 and 笠井 清美 and 根井 充}, month = {Apr}, note = {Possible induction of adaptive response (AR) by the high LET accelerated heavy ion irradiations (HI) is being attempted both in young adult female mice and in fetal mice of C57BL/6J Jms strain, using growth delay, hematopoietic damage and reduced survival in vivo, prenatal growth delay, malformation and death in utero as endpoints. Investigations are to verify 1) if priming dose from low LET X-irradiation could induce an AR against the detrimental effects from the high challenging dose of HI, 2) if priming dose from HI could induce an AR against the high challenging dose from low LET X-irradiations, and 3) if an AR could be induced when both priming and challenging doses are from HI. Four kinds of HI are being examined: carbon, neon, silicon and iron, with the LET values of about 15, 30, 55, and 200 keV/micrometer, respectively. Results show that the priming low dose X-irradiations could induce AR against high LET heavy-ion challenging irradiations from carbon and silicon beams in vivo and in utero, but not iron ions in vivo; the priming low dose carbon-ion irradiations could induce AR against the high challenging irradiations in vivo from X-rays or carbon ions, but not silicon and iron ions; priming dose from carbon, silicon or iron ions could not induce any AR against challenging dose from X-rays in utero. It seems that AR induction at whole body level is radiation quality-related event. Further investigations are needed to answer if this event is of LET- or/and nuclide-dependency., 平成21年度放射線医学総合研究所重粒子線がん治療装置等共同利用研究発表会}, title = {Does Radioadaptive Response Also Apply to the Case of Heavy-ion Irradiations in Fetal and Adult Mice?}, year = {2010} }