@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00062998, author = {Kato, Takamitsu and 加藤 宝光}, month = {Mar}, note = {Abstract The aim of this study is to investigate the cellular radiosensitivity of a chordoma cell line, U-CH1. U-CH1 was compared with two different cancer lines, the glioblastoma cell line U87-MG and the cervical cancer cell line HeLa, to understand their phenotypes. We analyzed cell doubling times, DNA contents, and cell cycle distributions to characterize these cell lines and determined radiosensitivities by colony formation assay. Cell doubling time for U-CH1 was 3 days, which was much longer than the other tumor cell lines. The doubling times for U87-MG and HeLa cells were 24 hours and 18 hours, respectively. U-CH1 had the most DNA content among the three cell lines and was near tetraploid. UCH-1 and U87-MG were more sensitive to x-irradiation than HeLa cells. Heavy ion particle irradiation efficiently killed all cell lines compared to x-ray exposure. Relative biological effectiveness (RBE) at 10% survival of glioblastoma and HeLa cells was about 2.5 for LET 70keV/um carbon ions and 3 for LET 200keV/um iron beams, while for U-CH1 it was 2.5 for LET 70keV/um carbon ions and 4 for LET 200keV/um iron beams., NRIS エトワール ジョイントシンポジウム}, title = {Radiobiology for chordoma cell line UCH1}, year = {2009} }