@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00062542, author = {Hirobe, Tomohisa and 廣部 知久}, month = {May}, note = {Ferrous ferric chloride (FFC) is a special aqueous iron that is a complex of ferrous chloride and ferric chloride and has a function in both oxidation and reduction. FFC is thought to stimulate the cellular function of living organisms including microorganisms, plants and animals. Although FFC is reported to stimulate the function of red blood cells, it has not been determined whether FFC stimulates the function of skin cells. To understand the role of FFC in the function of skin cells, we studied its effects on the proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes and melanoblasts or melanocytes. FFC was added to a serum-free culture of neonatal mouse epidermal cells and its effects on the proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes and melanoblasts or melanocytes were investigated. FFC stimulated the proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes and melanoblasts or melanocytes. The proliferation of keratinocytes and that of melanoblasts or melanocytes was stimulated to the same extent (a two-fold increase), suggesting that the proliferation of the two types of cells constituting the epidermis may be equally stimulated by FFC. These results suggest that FFC may activate skin function by promoting cell renewal via the stimulation of the proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes and melanoblasts or melanocytes., XXth International Pigment Cell Conference}, title = {Ferrous ferric chloride stimulates the proliferation and deifferentiation of cultured keratinocytes and melanocytes in the murine neonatal epidermis}, year = {2008} }