@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00062526, author = {王, 冰 and 村上, 正弘 and 笠井, 清美 and 野島, 久美恵 and 田中, 薫 and 尚, 奕 and 藤田, 和子 and Herve, Coffigny and 早田, 勇 and 王 冰 and 村上 正弘 and 笠井 清美 and 野島 久美恵 and 田中 薫 and 尚 奕 and 藤田 和子 and 早田 勇}, month = {Apr}, note = {Effects of prenatal irradiations on the postnatal developmental alterations were studied following exposure of pregnant Wistar rats to either accelerated carbon-ion beans with a linear energy transfer (LET) value of about 13 keV/micro m or neon-ion beams with a LET value of about 30 keV/micro m at a dose range from 0.1 Gy to 2.0 Gy on gestation day 15. To estimate the RBE values of heavy ion irradiations, the effects of X-rays at 200 kVp estimated for the same biological end points were studied as a reference for comparison. To study the possible difference in the alterations of gene expressions induced by different type of irradiations, the cultured fetal gonads were irradiated and the extracted mRNA was analyzed using HiCEP. Results indicated that prenatal irradiations on gestation day 15 generally induced markedly detrimental effect on fetal development, postnatal testicular maturation and male reproductivity in rats, which was a dose and LET-related event. Investigations using HiCEP on radiation-induced gene expressions in fetal gonad tissues are in progress., 平成18年度放射線医学総合研究所重粒子線がん治療装置等共同利用研究発表会}, title = {ラット精子形成細胞における粒子線の影響に関する研究(?)}, year = {2007} }