@misc{oai:repo.qst.go.jp:00062031, author = {Hoshi, Masaharu and Toyoda, ? and Fukumura, Akifumi and Zhumadilov, Kassym and Endo, Satoru and Tanaka, Ken-ichi and 星 正治 and 福村 明史 and 遠藤 暁 and 田中 憲一}, month = {Jul}, note = {Interlaboratory comparison on Tooth Enamel Dosimetry on Semipalatinsk Region:Part1,General View \nM.Hoshi(1)S.toyoda(2)A.Ivannikov(3)K.Zhumadilov(1)A.Fukumura(4)K.Apsalikov(5)Zh.S.Zhumadilov(6)S.Bayankin(7)V.Chumak(8)B.Ciesielski(9)V.De.Coste(10)S.Endo(1)P.Fattinbene(10)D.Ivanov(7)V.Kirillov(11)C.A.Mitchell(13)S.Onori(10)M.Penkowski(9)S.P.Pivovarov(13)A.Rumanyukha(12)A.B.Rukhin(13)K.Sehultka(9)T.A.Seredavina(13)S.Sholom(8)V.Skvortsov(3)V.Stepanenko(3)K.Tanaka(1)F.Trompier(14)A.Wieser(15)G.Wolakiewicz(9) \n(1) Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine,Hiroshima University Hiroshima (2) Okayama University of Science,Okayama,Japan (3) Medical Radiological Reserch Center Obninsk,Russia (4) National Insutitute of Radiological Sciences, Chiba,Japan (5) Reserch Institute of Radiation Medicene and Hygiene, Semipalatinsk,Kazakhstan (6) Semipalatinsk State Medical Academy,Semipalatinsk,Kazakhstan (7) Insutitute of Metal Physics, Ekaterinburg,Russia (8) Insutitute is;Scientific Center for Radiation Medicine,Kiev,Ukraine (9) Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk,Poland (10) Istituto Superiore di Snita and Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Rome,Italy (11) Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus (12) Uniformed Service University of Health Sciences, Bethesda,USA (13) Institute of Nuclear Physics of National Nuclear Center of Kazakhstan, Almary, Kazakhstan (14) Institut de Radioprotection et Surete Nucleaire, Fontenay-aux-rosese,France (15) GSF-National Research Center for Environment and Health,Institute of Radiation Protection, Neuherberg,Germany \n2. Corresponding auther:toyoda@dap.ous,ac,jp \nSince ESR/EPR method was found to be useful for retrospective dosimetry of human teeth,it has been the issue how accurately the doses can be obtained.There have already been three interlaboratory comparison projects organized where successful resultes were abtained, However,whichi fantor gives variation in the nominal doses is still unknown.In the present intercomparison,the human teeth from acttual radiation accidents were analyzed in different laboratories to see how chose the obtained doses are to each other.Each Laboratory used the samemeasurement condition together with optionally their own Measurement doncition. This will tell the difference in using diffent spectrometeres,measurement conditions, and data processing irradiated tooth samples will also be examined to check if the methods work properly. \nThe 14 tooth enamel samples were provided from Semipalatinsk region receivedsome amount of accidental doses estimated to be from 50 to 500 mHy. For the calibrariton for these samples,a set of eight irradiated samples are prepared from pooled enemal obtained from teeth collected in control territory of Samipalatinsk region. In addition, ten test samples from five Japanese molar teeth are provided. Each tooth was cut in half and five halves were irradiated to known doses between 100 and 300 mGy and the other halves were not as it was done in the 3rd intencomparison. The results of the measurements will be presented., The 2nd Interenational Conference on Biodosimetry and 7th International Symposium on EPR Dosimetry and Appl}, title = {Interlaboratory comparison on Tooth Enemel Dosimetry on Semipalatinsk Region:Part1,General View}, year = {2006} }